Southern Constellations

Southern Constellations (SoCo) is an annual, curated residency program that explores experimental practices across a network of Southern artists and organizations. SoCo Residents receive full funding to attend the month-long residency, including room and board in the historic museum, with additional travel support, plus a $1000 honorarium. SoCo Residents are specially featured in press, public events and exhibitions.
Applicants eligible for this residency are required to indicate so on the application and answer an additional question. These residencies are strengthened through nominations from professional artists, curators, collectors, and university educators, but anyone eligible can apply.
Once accepted, SoCo Residents are required to sign a contract and participate in the full-month residency.
Every year SoCo offers a suite of programs that extend conversations across the state and region, including:
Fellowships | 6 curated artists are awarded full funding, travel and an honorarium to participate in Elsewhere’s residency.
Convergences + Exhibitions | Annual gatherings and shows centering topics and themes relevant to the South.
Rural Residencies | Elsewhere projects in underserved Tier 1 + 2 counties across North Carolina.
Southern Constellations is funded in part by an award from the National Endowment for the Arts.

To be eligible for SoCo, artists must be based or raised in the Southern United States* and able to attend a month-long residency, participating fully in all aspects of the program. Elsewhere seeks residents who demonstrate a commitment of applied skills, design intention, site-specific interest, and community participation.
SoCo is primarily based on an expanding group of professionals in order to expand a regional network of experimental practitioners, and foster an exciting cohort of exceptional artists. In an effort to reach and create space for those operating outside of our artistic networks, self-nominated applications are also welcome. Applicants, especially those nominated and hearing about Elsewhere for the first time, should thoroughly review the Residency webpage to ensure Elsewhere is indeed a good fit.
This funded residency is very competitive (offered to 5 individuals with approx. 80 applications), thus candidates are encouraged to express on the application if they are interested in the residency without funding. This will not hurt one’s ability to receive funding.
*Seeking applicants primarily from: Texas, Louisiana, Arkansas, Alabama, Kentucky, Mississippi, Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Tennessee, Kentucky, Virginia, West Virginia, Puerto Rico, US Virgin Islands. We are open to other regions with sufficient response.
Past Residents