Urban Exchange Fellowship


The Urban Exchange Fellowship explores emerging local ecologies of contemporary art production in key, national metropolises. The inaugural program in 2015 highlighted Chicago, 2016 focused on Miami, 2017 centered around Baltimore, 2019 showcased Philadelphia, and for 2022 we look to New Orleans.

This residency serves as an incubator for collaborative creation and critical artwork while building networks among a regional common field of alternative artists and arts organizations. Elsewhere seeks creatives with compelling, critical, socially engaged work and a commitment to New Orleans who demonstrate conceptual and aesthetic experimentation. Exchange Residents receive full funding to attend the month-long residency, including room and board in the historic museum, with additional travel support, plus a $1000 honorarium. Exchange Residents are specially featured in the press, public events, and exhibitions.

Applicants eligible for this residency are required to indicate so on the residency application and answer an additional question. The Exchange Residency is strengthened through nominations from professional artists, curators, collectors, and university educators, but anyone eligible can apply. Once accepted, Exchange Residents are required to sign a contract and participate in the full-month residency.


To be eligible for the Urban Exchange Fellowship applicants must be based and actively invested in New Orleans, LA  and able to attend a full month-long residency, participating fully in all aspects of the program. Elsewhere seeks residents who have demonstrated a commitment of applied skills, design intention, site-specific interest, and community participation.

The Urban Exchange Fellowship is primarily based on nominations from an expanding group of arts professionals in order to expand a regional network of experimental practitioners, and foster an exciting cohort of exceptional artists. In an effort to reach those we don’t know and create space for those operating outside our artistic networks, self-nominated applications are also welcome. Applicants, especially those nominated and hearing about Elsewhere for the first time, should thoroughly review the Residency webpage to ensure Elsewhere is indeed a good fit.

Candidates are required to indicate and answer an additional question on the application. This funded residency is very competitive (offered to 5 individuals with approx. 80 applications), thus candidates are encouraged to express on the application if they are interested in the residency without funding. This will not hurt your ability to receive funding.

Past Residents

Baltimore Fellows from left: McAfee, Khatri, Denton, Camlin, Vasseur

Baltimore Fellows from left: McAfee, Khatri, Denton, Camlin, Vasseur

2021 | Kansas City | July 15 - August 10

Kansas City Goes Elsewhere

2019 | Philadelphia | June 13 - July 9

Philadelphia Goes Elsewhere



2017 | Baltimore | August 8 - September 5

Baltimore Goes Elsewhere



2016 | Miami | June 8 - July 6

Miami Goes Elsewhere



2015 | Chicago | June 10 - July 5

Museum as Instrument

