Neighborhood Field Guides | Camp Little Hope

Camp Little Hope, Various Locations

Neighborhood Field GuidesSouth Elm Projects, 2015

Neighborhood Field Guides are a series of pocket publications that reroute local histories, inviting you to experience the neighborhood from three different conceptual perspectives.

The Field Guides were developed through conversational research with South Elm residents and local experts this summer. The references and contributors are extensive: neighbors, professionals, architects, birdwatchers, botanists, geographers, historians, photo albums, municipal documents, meeting notes, advertisements, insurance maps, journals, archives, museums, and time spent walking around.

Like all versions of history, these guides to South Elm are only part of the shared story of a nuanced place. They hope tourists and Greensboro residents alike will continue to discover new ways of seeing the South Elm neighborhood.

Guides are available at Elsewhere, the Chamber of Commerce, at stores and tourist hubs around the neighborhood, and online at



Non-Stop King Rat | Blair Bogin


Pepsi Mountain State Park | David Moré