
Elsewhere hosts 50+ new projects a year: from artworks to research, from events to extravaganzas, from residency works to collaborative upfits.

Residency, Special Residency Elsewhere Living Museum & Artist Residency Residency, Special Residency Elsewhere Living Museum & Artist Residency

The Secret Project with Our Friend | Alyzza May

Alyzza May (Greensboro, NC) | December 2021

"Focusing on home, place, belonging, the hyper-visibility and invisibility of Indigenous peoples, and a decolonial deconstruction of time, The Secret Project with Our Friend takes on Elsewhere and frees Our Friend across the entirety of the space and beyond the confines of the museum. When the artist came to Elsewhere they instantly connected to Our Friend who was prominently displayed in The Tower, an Indigenous person behind glass, out of context, and casually on display for all to pass by and ignore, historicize, forget, or disregard. The artist built a relationship with Our Friend, and together determine where Our Friend really wanted to be. Together they create a community found across the building, Our Friend is no longer alone, and actively engages with this institution.

The process of creation is emergent, and involves following leads. This brings us to Our Friends presence on three of Elsewhere’s seats, with three distinct messages for Natives and non-Natives alike. The chairs each read, “This was never the Gray’s, it’s eternally Indigenous,” “Islands of Decolonial Love: Conversations btwn N8VS.” Did you have a seat? Did you notice?

Our Friend is Free.

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Elsewhere Living Museum & Artist Residency Elsewhere Living Museum & Artist Residency

Playshops 2021

Playshops is a skill-building and skill-sharing workshop with talented members of our communities. Curated by the Creative Catalyst Fellow, these experiences range form professional skills to skills that can be used in the home.

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Elsewhere Living Museum & Artist Residency Elsewhere Living Museum & Artist Residency

SaturGays: Queer + Trans BIPOC Street Vendors Market

We are launching an outdoor vending space in front of the museum twice per month that will feature up to 8 BIPOC LGBTQIA2S+ vendors. We want to support local vendors as an economic justice effort, leveraging our space, networks, and connections to build with vendors and bring support for their work.

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Elsewhere Living Museum & Artist Residency Elsewhere Living Museum & Artist Residency

Sukkot at Elsewhere

Sukkot is a weeklong Jewish festival celebrating harvest and the shelters built with it.

Children and adults are invited to decorate and gather in our Sukkah in the Elsewhere garden!

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