Singing Sink | Will Owen


Singing Sink, Will Owen (Queens, NY & Philadelphia, PA).

February 2017. Audio mixer and audio exciters.

Will Owen’s two projects, Singing Sink and 10 Minutes, revolve around the cyclical needs of living.

Singing Sink uses appliances to conduct sound in Elsewhere’s Kitchen Commons, a functional installation used daily by artists, interns and staff to prepare and share meals. An amplifier and electro-magnetic audio exciters attached to the sink and washing machine transform the appliances into a immersive, surround-sound speaker system. As the appliances are used- filling with water and piling up with dishes- the speakers change timbre creating a living audio scape that responds to Elsewhere’s daily functions.

This piece was presented at the First Friday public opening entitled “Time Sensitive,” during which he invited the public to a create a participatory group musical composition with their phones and the Singing Sink.


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