Will Owen


Originally from Waynesville, North Carolina, Will splits his time in both Philadelphia and New York City. He is currently an artist-in-residence with Flux Factory in Queens, NY and a curator at Little Berlin gallery in Philadelphia, PA. Will works mainly with Sound, Installation Design, and Food in interactive ways. Will grew his hair long and has been having second thoughts ever since and has had the honor of participating in many great projects including: Black Mountain College Museum Re: Happening '14, Baltimore AltScape with Open Space Gallery '14, Copenhagen Art Week '15, Århus Art Weekend '15, MATA Interval '15, & ALT CPH Copenhagen Alternative Art Fair '16. He has shown art work at varying venues from the Museum of the Moving Image to a burned out, abandoned BP gas station. He sometimes works collaboratively with a lot of amazing folks across many genres including: Matthias Borello, Sally Szwed, Jung In Jung, Molly Haslund, Billy Dee, Amaryah Armstrong, Lena Hawkins, Walker Tufts, Suze B, Alex Nathanson, Nadia Botello, Nathan Philips, Raphael Alexandre, Richard "YoVinyl" Nathaniel, The Median Movement, Siph Pristed, Hsiao-Jou Tang, Julieta Triangular, and many more incredible people he is lucky to know and work with.

During his residency at Elsewhere, Owen created Singing Sink and 10 Minutes.


Tim Fite


Bob Powell