June First Friday 2012




The Pleasures of Romantic Travel


Screen Print the Shirt off your Back (PrintWorks)6-7:30 Fabric Flower Workshop with Andrea Avery


CoLAB MediaCast



All Evening

Screening of C Spotswood’ timelapse A Woman, A Plan, A ForestA Short Festival of Brazilian Short Films (Movie Booth)

Projection of Bill’s video Dreams (Library Window)

See Capp Larsen’s UN(REAL) CITYSCAPE in the Living Library

Paula Damasceno | Salvador, Bahia, Brasil

Paula Damasceno will share a collection of short Brazilian films in Elsewhere’s movie booth all evening. At 9 pm Paula will screen XSegregated: an in progress documentary short examining the history of the Carolina Theater and Greensboro.

Katrina Neumann | Boston, MA

Katrina Neumann, Boston, MA, explores The Pleasures of Romantic Travel in Elsewhere’s Alley Garden from 11am - 8pm. Streaming on ECB-TV.

C Spotswood | Pullman, WA

C. Spotswood has cultivated Elsewhere’s second floor Glass Forest and spun a web in the canopy. See time-lapse videos of A Woman, A Plan, A Forest, all Friday evening.

Capp Larsen | Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada

Capp Larsen has activated Elsewhere’s printmaking station. See Capp’s project, UN(REAL) CITYSCAPE, in the Living Library. Screen print the shirt off your back with Capp from 6-7.

Bill Lusk | Greensboro, NC

Bill Lusk captured a series of portraits inspired by Elsewhere’s collection of books and objects. Assembled into a video, these pictures will be projected against the Library's front window.


Electrifying Potentials | Elliott P. Montgomery


Dreams | Bill Lusk