Electrifying Potentials | Elliott P. Montgomery

Elsewhere has solar panels! Installed in February by Greensboro-based Soleil Energy Solutions the 4.8 kW solar array on the museum’s roof offsets 30% of our electricity use. The solar panels join many sustainability efforts at Elsewhere. To celebrate our energy interdependence, Elsewhere is working with designer Elliott Montgomery and engineers from Soleil Energy Solutions to explore alternative energy through workshops, a community dinner, and a new museum commission connecting the solar panels on the roof with people on the sidewalk. Please join us this summer for electrifying potentials! The project was funded through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) as part of a formula grant received by the City of Greensboro. 

June 14, 6:30-9pm | Electrifying Potentials Dinner

Join us for a community dinner to celebrate sustainable energy with Elliott Montgomery, City of Greensboro Community Planners, and solar installers from Soleil Energy Solutions. Followed by artist talks with Laura Elayne Miller and Elliot Montgomery as well as special guest speaker, Blane De St Croix, featured in the Weatherspoon Art Museum’s Zones of Contention. Tour at 6:30. Dinner at 7. Talks at 8.$5 / person for members $10 / nonmembers. RSVP to kitchen@goelsewhere.org

June 2, 2-4pm | Energy HackLAB Playshop

Explore the many uses of alternative energy with visiting artist Elliott Montgomery and solar installers from Soleil Energy Solutions. Learn how to reconfigure old technologies with small solar panels, wind power, and human energy, and find out how to invest in solar energy for your business, or home. $5 / person for materials (free to Elsewhere members). RSVP to education@goelsewhere.org


Cloister | Martyna Szczesna


June First Friday 2012