All Broken Glass Goes to Heaven | Kayla Anderson


All Broken Glass Goes to Heaven, Kayla Anderson, Chicago, IL
digital video, vinyl stickers featuring cloth fragments and broken dishes. retrofitted table inlaid with broken dishes

In a trio of discrete projects, Anderson explores various approaches to material remnants and their use in reconstruction. For All Broken Glass Goes to Heaven she excavated shards of broken dishware in the collection to produced a trompe l’oeil floor piece for the kitchen that speculates on the point of breakage. For Building a Bolt from a Scrap, she used the “Content Aware” function on Photoshop to produce a series of GIFs that reimagine the patterns from bolts of fabric solely from sample squares that they had been cut from. And for Unrealized Weavings 1-5, she created a digital animation that reorders a set of found fabrics strips into new patterns for a looped series of ever morphing woven images. Taken together these projects conflate the role of the artist– as maker of new worlds, with that of an archeologist– as maker of past worlds.



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