Thing Tank

Greensboro | "Thing Tank"

June 9-11 @ Elsewhere Museum

606 South Elm Street

Greensboro, NC

Thing Tank is a weekend retreat into a world of things. A select group of scholars and artists are invited for a weekend residency at Elsewhere’s museum, exploring the social, historical, political, and material consciousness of things in an at-hand, immersive environment.

Thing Tank Participants:

RSVP to our Objects Over Cocktails: a Public Happy Hour!

NYC Elsewhere | “Where Else”

This event was free and open to all publics.

Saturday, May 13th,  6 – 7:30 pm
300 Nevins St (between Union an­d Sackett Streets)
Brooklyn, NY

Scholars discussed Elsewhere’s “things” in the context of contemporary art, new materialism, theories of assemblage, re-assemblage, and the problem of ephemerality on May 13th, 2017. The evening celebrated Elsewhere’s 15th birthday by thinking about the future of things for a thrift-store turned museum. The evening was a collaboration between Elsewhere, Dr. Bill Brown, and friends, and co-presented by Cabinet Magazine.


This event was free and open to all publics.

Thing Tank is made possible by funding from the North Carolina Humanities Council, a statewide nonprofit and affiliate of the National Endowment for the Humanities.

Partner Organizations:


Conservation Labor (After Mierle Laderman Ukeles) | Anthony Warnick


Southern Static | Lily Reeves