Short Festival of Brazilian Short Films | Paula Damasceno

On First Friday, June 1, 2012 watch nine short films from Brazilian directors that depict everyday life in the city of Salvador and communities in the interior of Bahia through fictional stories and real facts. The films will screen in Elsewhere’s Movie Booth from 6-10pm. Special Thanks to the Culture Department of the State of Bahia.

Parallel | Alexandre Basso Parallel tells the story of Peter, a boy aged 10, who lived the peak and decline in passenger train in the former Northwest Rail Brazil, the "Train of the Pantanal." The film has elements of fiction from reality, but treats the subject by a larger perspective, basing the continuing tragedy in search of a horizon, a ratio of life to the characters, which are part of a family of old rail, the local residents.

In The Land of The Sun | Lula Oliveira Canudos Semi-arid backland (Bahia), October 5/1897. The last four survivors of the town are entrenched by the Republican army, defending the little church built by the messiah Antonio Conselheiro. They hesitate between dying of thirst and trying to break through the blockade to get water.     

Joelma | Edson Bastos Joelma is a short fiction film based on the story of one of the first transsexual in Bahia. The screenplay written by Edson Bastos, was selected by the Notice ofLGBT Culture Pedro Calmon Foundation and sponsored by the Culture Fund of the Department of Culture of the Government of the State of Bahia.     

Rat Island | Bernard Attal e Joselito Crispim Beetchu is a kid from the stilt houses in the Alagados, one of poorest neighborhood of Bahia. On his way to school, to help his family, he sells “sweet dreams”, small local pastries prepared by his mother. But Beetchu’s real dream is to find a way to reach this island, which entered his sleep the night before. 

Dogs | Adler Paz e Moacyr Gramacho The short film of 35 mm "Dogs" shows the path traveled by a father (Domingos) carrying his injured child (Inácio) on his back in search of help. The script is freely inspired by the work of the Mexican writer and photographer, Juan Rulfo.

Doido Lélé | Ceci Alves Caetano dreams of becoming a radio singer in the 50s and runs home every night to try, unsuccessfully, for luck in the talent show. Until one night, he bets all in a mad and final performance. 

Carreto | Marília Hughes and Claudio Marques Tinho, a 12-year-old boy, provides small services for the community. His work tool is his inseparable wheelbarrow. One day, Tinho meets Stephanie. Wanting to thank her for a present she gives him, Tinho starts thinking of a plan.

Nego Fugido | Marília Hughes and Claudio MarquesTwo young artists leave the capital to see an old ritual that depicts the runaway slaves, in the interior of Brazil. There, they get involved with the celebration in an unexpected way!  

Premonition | Pedro AbibA bar, set in the 1950s in Pelourinho in Salvador, is the setting of this narrative that pursues, in the anguish of the preeminence of death, fears and uncertainties present in the soul. His Antero (Pitanga Antonio), who owns the bar, meets a strange customer (Agnaldo Lopes) transforming the atmosphere of the place in a climate of anxiety and fear.


xSegregated | Paula Damasceno


The Pleasures of Romantic Travel | Katrina Neumann