QueerLab | A Democracy Tables Remix


A Democracy Tables Remix for QueerLab
10/21, 6:30-8:30PM
FREE, please RSVP. Refreshments available.
Dress warmly, folks!

Join Greensboro History Museum, Elsewhere and Greensboro Pride for LGBTQ+ Talks to take part in conversations about identity, equality and civic engagement and learn more about friends, neighbors and community members.

This event features conversations about identity, community, and LGBTQIA+ rights. The goal is to have fun and learn more about ourselves, friends, and community members. You’ll be asked to sit around a table with friends and strangers to respond to question prompts. The event was created in partnership with the Greensboro History Museum’s Democracy Tables series (click here to learn more!) and Elsewhere’s Queerlab.

The event will be held at the corner of Arlington and Bragg, 2 blocks from Elsewhere’s museum in downtown Greensboro, NC. We will be using Heather Hart’s interactive sculpture The Porch Project: Black Lunch Tables. Hart’s installation is designed for intimate conversations and community events.

Free admission;

RSVP below or go here


Playshops 2021


Perceiver of Sound League: Sound Research Studio