Post-Space Conference | The Hollow Earth Society

What is the future of the museum, the library, the university? All these spaces are changing rapidly thanks to the technologies of tele—of distance. With Kamomi Solidum (The Public School New York, committee member), the Hollow Earth Society has organized a new interdisciplinary para-academic conference called Post-Space, to be kicked off on Obscura Day 2012 at Elsewhere, a living museum set inside a former thrift store in Greensboro, North Carolina. Post-Space asks philosophers, writers, artists, museum professionals, archivists, sociologists, ecologists, and other academics and para-academics to consider what happens after the classical, modern, and postmodern concepts of "space" are exhausted—in art, in architecture, in our daily lives. In post-space, space becomes a temporary assemblage of tents—a caravanserai...Format: Post-Space will consist of a dozen short video presentations, followed by a town hall discussion of the conference themes, featuring several participants (virtually) live, via Google Hangouts. Participants include:

  • Jonathan Basile (The Public School New York, committee member)• Andrew Beccone (Reanimation Library)

  • Aaron Beebe (Coney Island USA)

  • Carl Diehl (Metaphortean Research)

  • Matt Freeman (Playwright)

  • Thomas Gokey and Meg Backus (The Art School in the Art School)

  • Amy Herzog (CUNY)

  • Nicola Masciandaro and Eileen Joy (Punctum Books)

  • Shannon Mattern (The New School)

  • Salvador Olguín (Borderline Projects)

  • Dylan Thuras (Atlas Obscura)Organizers

  • Kamomi Solidum (The Public School New York, committee member)

  • Stephanie Sherman and George Scheer (Elsewhere)

  • Stephen Aubrey, Ethan Gould, Wythe Marschall (The Hollow Earth Society)


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