Ni Aquí, Ni Allá (Neither Here, Nor There) | Edison Peñafiel

Edison Peñafiel (Sunrise, FL)
January 2018. Installation documentation. Video projection, rope, luggage, trunks. 10′ x 12′ x 10′. 

Peñafiel’s works, influenced by his experiences as a migrant, are immersive multi-media installations that integrate animated video projections and sound seamlessly with physical objects.

Ni Aquí, Ni Allá (Neither Here, Nor There), on Elsewhere’s 3rd floor, is a fantastical parade of irrational imagery in a destabilizing perpetual loop. The projection displays an animated, intermittently changing landscape with people walking endlessly towards a horizon and away from the viewer. Each individual pulls a rope attached to physical bundles of crates, luggage, and other bound piles of symbolic personal belongings placed throughout the installation. The immateriality of virtual projections to physical objects that embody intrinsic meaning and soundscape responding to cyclical themes all interact together to reach a physical metamorphosis for the audience.

Aware of personal and collective experiences as a migrant, Peñafiel is interested in political art. He examines displacement from multiple perspectives and its association with fear, injustice, subjugation, perpetuity, relief, and liberty. Ni Aquí, Ni Allá is designed to evoke thoughts of empathy about the uncertainty of such migratory journeys, and the experiences of physical and psychological torture.

Featured Performers: Riley Kleve, Rimona Law, Kerri Mubaraak, Adrian Quarles, Guido Villalba Portel

Music Composed, Performed, Recorded & Mixed by Ellis Anderson

Community Partner: Scrapmettle Theatre


Glimpse | Carolyn Clayton


CHANNELS | Mandy Messina