The Living Library

The Living Library is a public studio for storytelling, book arts, screen printing, experimental publishing, and live radio broadcast to Elsewhere’s thrift-store turned living museum. The Library contains more than 3000 titles, and brings together Elsewhere’s international artists-in-residence and Greensboro to use this collection of vintage and thrift books for reading and resource, offering a comfortable platform for sharing ideas and creative research. The Living Library re-imagines a library as a living fiction and community archive that evolves as the public participates and contributes.


Visitors can:

  • Read and explore books, periodicals and documents from the collection

  • Broadcast online with Elsewhere Community Broadcast TV

  • Participate in Library Playshops

  • Do their homework in an installation

Members can:

  • Use Zine-Making and Print making facilities

  • Scan the Library’s archives of images and text

  • Use the Library as a Meeting Space

  • Propose collaborative interventions and projects

Come play in our library! To set up an appointment, email

Community Partners

Reading Connections

The Greensboro Public Library

The Interactive Resource Center

Weatherspoon Art Museum

Greensboro Historical Museum


Past Events

PLAYSHOP | Zine Making

Thursday, April 19 12-3pm | IRC

Join us for a zine-making workshop at the Interactive Resource Center!

PLAYSHOP | Community Day

Saturday, April 21 1-4pm | Weatherspoon Art Museum

Celebrate comics, art, and literacy with hands-on activities, refreshments, and gallery games at the Weatherspoon Art Museum in collaboration with the Greensboro Public Library.

PLAYSHOP | Poetry in Your Pocket Day

Thursday, April 25 5pm | Elsewhere

Join the Greensboro Public Library at Elsewhere in celebration of National Poetry in Your Pocket Day.

PLAYSHOP | Zine Making

Thursday, April 26  5-8pm | Weatherspoon Art Museum

Explore the world of artist Trenton Doyle Hancock and the integration of image and text as we develop a collaborative zine and explore several processes for playfully addressing the autobiographical image. For this workshop, you’ll need to bring a small photograph of yourself that evokes an intriguing story. (Cost: $4/materials; Please RSVP to

TALK | Post-Space Conference

Saturday, April 28  5pm-10pm | Elsewhere

Post-Space asks philosophers, writers, artists, museum professionals, archivists, digital sociologists, ecologists, and other academics and para-academics to consider what happens after the classical, modern, and postmodern concepts of “space” are exhausted—in art, in architecture, in our daily lives.

PLAYSHOP | Bookarts & Screenprinting

Saturday, May 5  2-5pm | Elsewhere

Join us in Elsewhere’s newest installation, the Living Library, for a collaborative printmaking and bookarts Playshop with writers-in-residence the Hollow Earth Society. Learn how to screenprint and make zines & handmade publications with style.  (Cost: $4/materials)

PLAYSHOP | Story Broadcast (private event)

Thursday, May 10 5-7pm | Elsewhere

Reading Connections students read original stories and essays on The Living Library’s ECB-TV(Elsewhere Community Broadcast TV). Listen in at 6pm EST.


The Living Library was made possible in part by the North Carolina Arts Council, and Elsewhere's network of friends and partners.



2012 Artists


Spring 2012 Playshops