Elsewhere Alumni Relief Fund

EARF banner

To our alumni residents, interns and staff: Elsewhere would be nowhere without the mark you left on the museum. In this unprecedented time, we want to activate Elsewhere’s resources and networks to help those of you who are in need and in crisis however we can. We also hope that needed support systems can endure beyond the current situation.

The Elsewhere Alumni Relief Fund was conceived to help meet those in highest need, who are falling through the cracks in society’s larger systems. We are currently reaching out to our 500+ alumni to see how we can help in this uncertain time and will be gathering and building resources bases on their expressed needs. NOTE: We will launch an application process to best direct gathered resources to alumni in need immediately following the gathering of this information.

Seed funding from ArtEquity is providing an initial pool of funds to dispurse to those with highest need, prioritizing BIPOC alumni, transgender & nonbinary aliumni, and disabled alumni*, but building on this to help as many alumni in need as we can.


  • Go here and select EARF -100% of your donation (minus Square fees) goes directly to these artists and can be tax deductible**.

  • Bring attention to EARF by sharing and reposting information about the initiative.

  • Fill out this survey to help us build our Alumni Network

*We are following North Star Church of the Arts’ model, with their blessing, for who they are prioritizing. If you are unfamiliar with the terms used, a quick internet search will help.

**For the many of you who don’t normally get to deduct donations from your taxes, for the rest of 2020, you can deduct up to $300 of your donations! More info about current incentives for everyone to give right now here.

All Elsewhere alumni (former residents, interns, and staff) are welcome to apply for financial aid from EARF. We have a small pool of initial funding that will go to those in highest need, prioritizing BIPOC alumni, transgender & nonbinary aliumni, and disabled alumni*. From there, we will host subsequent rounds of funding with the goal of supporting all alumni who need help.

We are no longer accepting applications at this time.


Creative Catalyst Fellowship 2020


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