Art Everywhere

September 9 - October 29, 2009

Art Everywhere 2009 was a pilot afterschool collaboration between Elsewhere and Weaver Academy, a local arts high school. Art Everywhere explored themes of public art from a historical and contemporary vantage, and then puts those concepts into practice in the downtown Greensboro community.

Visit the project page for the complete syllabus...Elsewhere artists joined 15 Weaver students each Thursday afternoon to explore a public art concept through lectures and discussions, and then put the concept into practice. Performative public projects included window displays, chalk drawings, choreographed lounging, cake art, creative walks, and guerilla gardening. Thanks to the generous granting organizations of the NEA and the Future Fund, Art Everywhere is set to expand in 2010.

Some Recommended Reading: Lucy Lippard: The Lure of the Local: Site Specific Art and Locational Identity; Miwon Kwon: One Place After Another; Michel DeCerteau: The Practice of Everyday Life; George Perec: Species of Spaces; Selected works from Grasping the Museum: edited by Donald Preziosi; Marcel Duchamp: The Great Trouble With Art in This Country; Yoko Ono: Grapefruit


object map | Lindsay Palmer


Cooking With Chef Graham | Table 16