Resident Resident

Buster Simpson

Buster Simpson has been active as an artist working in the public since the late 1960’s. His work ranges from stand alone sculpture to integrated and/or collaborative works. His work incorporates ecological, historical, social, and technological considerations, contextualizing them into a site specific aesthetic. His art, its medium and product vary, but the methodology and underpinning conceptual approach are consistent. All aspects of the public realm potentially could become part of the palette; the landscape, the infrastructure, the built environment, and the social and economic engagement. Simpson has stated, “I prefer working in public spaces. The complexity of any site is its asset; to build upon, to distill, to reveal its layers of meaning. Process becomes part and parcel to the art of the place.” Simpson has worked on major infrastructure projects, site master planning, signature sculptures, museum installations, and community projects. Simpson has completed numerous art master plans for urban centers and watersheds that integrate community, ecology and art. A retrospective of his work was recently presented at the Frye Art Museum, Seattle. Simpson will be conducting an international “Rising Waters” confab at the Robert Rauschenberg Foundation durning the month of May focusing on the notions of climate change and the of empowerment of a social and economic commons.

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