Resident Resident

Jasper Lee

Jasper Lee makes installations that evoke a metaphysical, self-reflective and ceremonial purpose.  These deeply immersive constructions explore the relationships between humankind and nature, between the spirit world and physical world, between past and present.

A musical soundtrack, sometimes produced with instruments of his own making, often accompanies these visual projects as a vehicle for further transportation to an inner, mythical dimension.  This mythical realm is where his work operates and where rational logic is left behind.

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Resident Resident

Leah Hamby

Leah Hamby is an interdisciplinary alchemist and creative instigator who hails from an enchanted farmland north of Birmingham, Alabama. Through her studies of the Social Sciences, music and foreign language, and through an experience with folk traditions both from her rural Southern upbringing and from living abroad in Mexico and Brazil, she feels inspired to design and re-interpret old and new community rituals through ceremony, installation, performance, and music. She invites everyone to "come on in and fix you a plate!”

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