Resident Resident

Lauren Frances Moore

Lauren Frances Moore lives and works in the greater Washington, DC area where she is currently working towards her MFA in Sculpture at the University of Maryland, College Park on a full graduate teaching assistantship. In 2011, she graduated from the Honors College at the College of Charleston with a BA in Studio Art as well as a BS in Business Administration. In the summer of 2010, Lauren received an Intern Artist Fellowship for a residency at Franconia Sculpture Park, in Schafer, MN, and this summer she is thrilled to participate in residencies at Elsewhere Living Museum, in Greensboro, NC, and the Vermont Studio Center, in Johnson, VT.When it comes to creative habit, Lauren endeavors to work in what she likes to call the “realm of or” – a liminal space, an in-between. A blurry place where distinctions collide and coalesce. Where things are almost, but not quite. Perhaps, but not really. Or is a place of comfortable tension, familiar ambiguity, and reluctant desire. Flesh, as both material and metaphor, is the common denominator of Lauren’s studio practice. As she dissects and constructs, she responds to the intricacies and oddities of our bodies’ largest organ.

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