Resident Resident

Chris Flower

Montreal based artist Chris Flower animates the inanimate. His photo-based work often captures unexpected qualities found in everyday common objects. Flower currently resides at the Elsewhere Museum in Greensboro North Carolina where he is conducting an exploration of unseen, invisible, or interstitial spaces, the in-between, and the unfamiliar side of the familiar.

During his residency at Elsewhere, Flower created Contained Elsewhere, Barley Twist Column, Stranger Things (Books & Memory), and Little Bear Zoetrope.

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Resident Resident

Emily Jan

Emily Jan is a huntress of objects and stories. She hails from Montreal, by way of southeastern Utah, South Africa, Mexico, and California. Her sculptures and installations recall both the museum and the wunderkammer, combining the found with the handmade, and evoking the faraway and fantastical as well as the everyday. She is guided in her work by the spirit of exploration, kinship, and curiousity. From time to time she writes and illustrates books; you can find them on her website.

During her residency at Elsewhere, Jan created Rangifer - Polyphemus - Polypore, Barley Column Twist, Stranger Things (Books & Memory) and Little Bear Zoetrope.

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