Resident Resident

Curtiss Martin

Waynesville, North Carolina

March 15, 2009 - November 17, 2009

Curtiss was the Urban Green Coordinator in 2009. He is in charge of Elsewhere's Urban Green program, as well as Elsewhere's Back Alley Garden. Aside from encouraging more efficient uses of natural and material resources at Elsewhere, Curtiss also coordinates collaborative relationships with community gardens, local farmers, academic institutions and like-minded organizations in the Triad area. Curtiss hails from Waynesville, North Carolina, a delightful little town in the hills of Haywood County. He has a diverse background in organic farming, medicinal plants, new media production and clean technology consulting. Outside of contributing to Elsewhere's many successes, Curtiss is interested in permaculture systems design, appropriate biotechnology and all sorts of weird ideas having to do with water.

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Resident, Producer Resident, Producer

Anthony Lowe

Winston Salem, North Carolina

July 2, 2009 - August 14, 2009 as a resident

August 14, 2009 - November 6, 2009 as a producer

blog | swim dunk dot blogspot dot com

Immediately prior to his work as a collaborator (producer? creative assistant?) Anthony was a resident artist at Elsewhere Artist collaborative. He was accepted into the program because of his charming nature but was asked to stay because of his dynamic sense of humor. He was 'hardened by the business' working as a curator in a small art gallery and as an art handler in a much bigger museum, both in Winston. What's more, he has dabbled in marketing and branding as a social practice art steezley, screenprinting, automatic drawing, video artistry, music/sound production, light (as opposed to heavy) construction, the occult, photography and bird poetry. KaKaaaaw!

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Resident Resident

Molly Lowe

Brooklyn, New York

July 2, 2009 - August 8, 2009

Molly is a Brooklyn based artist who works with abandon, using whatever she can find to get her point across. From sculpture, to performance/video, and installation,Lowe conjures up intuitive responses to relevant puzzles in our everyday world by using the materials that our culture has consumed. Lowe brings to the table many different conversations about our society and the natural world by synthesizing the symbiotic power of objects with a hand touched representation of a more natural cycle that takes hold.  Lowe graduated in 2005 from the Rhode Island School of Design, received the Florence Leif Award in Painting, and was a participant at the Skowhegan residency program in 2008.

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Resident Resident

Claire van der Plas

Claire van der Plas (Sylva, NC)

“I currently live in Alamosa CO where I am the chair of the Art Department at Adams State University. I have taught in New Zealand, Singapore and North Carolina before moving to Colorado. While primarily a painter I also work in other media including installation, performance and collaborative art when the opportunity arises. I have exhibited in New Zealand, Australia, Singapore, Malaysia and the United States.”

Residency: April 1, 2008 - June 16, 2008

During her residency, Clair created the Totally Nice Travel Agency and helped organize Elsewhere’s participation in Greensboro’s annual Fun Fourth Parade and Festival in 2009. That year, Clair organized a project of mail art of Elsewhere alumni (ETC’s) in New Zealand called “Elsewhen Meanwise Otherwhere” and its exhibition in Greensboro in 2009 called “Messages.”

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George Scheer

George Scheer (Co-founder / Board Director) is Co-founder and former Executive Director of Elsewhere. George is a writer, scholar, and artist who fosters creative communities at the intersection of aesthetics and social change. George is also the grandson of Elsewhere proprietress and puzzle maker Sylvia Gray, whose stuff he has been moving around for years! George holds an MA in Critical Theory and Visual Culture from Duke University and a BA from the University of Pennsylvania in Political Communications.

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