Resident Resident

Lea Devon Sorrentino

Lea Devon Sorrentino is an installation/mixed media sculpture artist who has had the opportunity of exhibiting her work prominently around the Minneapolis/Twin Cities and nationwide. These endeavors, along with thoughtful writing, and a few relational aesthetic performances had her named among the "Artists to Watch for 2013", by the Walker Art Center. She is a contributing writer for Quodlibetica, an online arts publication, and has been a Visiting Artist for the University of Minnesota. This summer she will be attending several residency including the Vermont Studio Center and Elsewhere Residency in June of 2013. Her practice is an auto-ethnographical investigation of life in pursuit of understanding contemporary American culture. Through her work she calls attention to the constructs of American success and the emotional investments placed on possessions and entertainment to create individuality. Or, in not art speak, she's interested in why we eat too much, spend too much, and cry at reality television.

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