Resident Resident

Sidney Stretz

Sidney Stretz is an artist and educator originally from Columbia, MO. She received her MFA from the California College of Arts and her BFA from the University of Missouri-Columbia. Stretz makes work about everyday struggles, strange social situations, and failure. As an artist she works to highlight and improve circumstances and situations that others may not feel are valid or important. Through attempts to build community and mutual benefit, she develops a sense of engagement with a wide variety of groups of people that are looking for creative solutions to their community-based dreams. Sidney likes the Titanic, dogs, and making pies.

Stretz is currently an artist-in-residence for the Southern Constellations 2018: Rural Residency in Rockingham County–an Elsewhere Elsewhere project in partnership with the Reckon Holler Homestead.

During her residency with Elsewhere Goes To Madison at Reckon Holler, Stretz created Instructions On Waving.

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Resident Resident

Adam Carlin

Adam Carlin is a social practice artist that lives and works in Greensboro, North Carolina. He is currently the Director of Greensboro Project Space, a contemporary art center at University of North Carolina at Greensboro, and Program Director for the Community Arts Collaborative where he creates and oversees community engaged projects for the College of Visual and Performing Arts, and advances partnerships between the college and the community. He is also co-Founder and co-Director of Creek Colleges, an organization that creates schools on the banks of rivers, lakes, and creeks that are going through active restoration. Carlin is interested in creating opportunities for formalized social interactions that take the form of institutes which constructs projects that highlight under-recognized histories, idiosyncratic activities, and public dynamics. Participation and collaboration are integral to his practice and he often work site and situation-specifically. It is common that he as a large variety of projects and institutes going on at one time which occasionally connect and cross, creating systems of engaged research and production. He received a BFA from California College of the Arts and is currently pursuing his MFA in Art and Social Practice from Portland State University.

During his residency with Elsewhere Goes To Madison at Reckon Holler, Carlin created Project #1 and Project #2.

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Resident Resident

Daniel B. Coleman

Daniel B. Coleman (he/they) lives a life-project centered life that de-compartmentalizes his work as an artist, scholar, and organizer between the U.S. South (NC) and the Mexican South (Chiapas). Each of these elements are an integral part of who he is in the world. Daniel is an Assistant Professor in Women's and Gender Studies at UNC Greensboro, a performance artist and choreographer and a transfeminist and abolitionist organizer. As an artist, Daniel has taught and performed throughout México, the U.S. and Canada, as well as in Costa Rica, Brazil, Colombia, Spain, France, Portugal, Germany, Greece, The Netherlands, Poland, and Estonia.

During Coleman’s residency, they created Warriors: Beyond Unicorns and Erasures.

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Antoine Williams

Antoine Williams creates mixed media assemblage installations, paintings and collages, which are an investigation of identity, semiotics and social structures. Heavily influenced by speculative science fiction (specifically social science fiction and cosmic horror), hip hop, plus his rural working class upbringing in Red Springs, North Carolina, Antoine has created his own mythology of hybrid creatures that exist between the boundaries of class and race. Antoine is an Assistant Professor of Art at Guilford College.

During his residency at Elsewhere, Williams created Because They Believe in Unicorns.

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