Topher Lineberry
Chris Lineberry, Intern, 2004, 2007, & 2008. Producer 2021.
photo: Néstor Daniel Pérez-Moliére
Jane Irwin
Jane Irwin (Vancouver, BC)
2004 Resident
Jane created the first front window installation at Elsewhere called The Wallpaper Lady. She also created a “Janie Jones” installation in March of 2006. She writes about her time at Elsewhere on her blog in 2006 and 2004.
George Scheer
George Scheer (Co-founder / Board Director) is Co-founder and former Executive Director of Elsewhere. George is a writer, scholar, and artist who fosters creative communities at the intersection of aesthetics and social change. George is also the grandson of Elsewhere proprietress and puzzle maker Sylvia Gray, whose stuff he has been moving around for years! George holds an MA in Critical Theory and Visual Culture from Duke University and a BA from the University of Pennsylvania in Political Communications.
Stephanie Sherman
Stephanie Sherman (Co-founder / Board Director / Program Committee Co-Chair) is a designer, director, and collaborative conspirator based in London, UK. She founded Elsewhere with George in 2003 and co-directed it with him for 10+ years. She since founded Common Field,, and Supervisions, a social design studio.