Milla Toukkari

Milla Toukkari is a visual artist from Helsinki, Finland. She has graduated with an MFA and MoA, majoring in printmaking and design. Her works are indebted to the transformative and transitional processes essential to printmaking, even though the pieces also involve elements from photography, writing, and installation. Nonetheless, the ever-fleeing and ultimately deconstructive nature of the printed image is in the core of her philosophical and artistic interests.Important, reoccurring and very much cherished concepts in her practice include (the politics of) archive, (constructed) memory, and the ontology of and the otherness in the (printed) image.

She has contributed to a publication touching the notion of the expended field of printmaking, published in 2017 by the Academy of Fine Arts in Helsinki, Finland.

Toukkari is a serious but seriously slow thinker.

During Toukkari's residency, they created Lover's Ear.


Andrea Vail


Spencer Merolla