Marc Israel

Northampton, Maine

April 2, 2009 - April 8, 2009

video | vimeo dot com slash marc israel

Filmmaker Marc Israel from Northampton, Massachusetts writes- “ a brief statement regarding myself: Somewhere along the line somebody took off my head and stuck it on a ballerina. I feel incredibly disproportional as a result, and make films to balance out the difference. Most of the time I feel like screaming, 1/3 of the rest of the time like crying, and the remaining time allotment is spent holding up daisies in solidarity with some crazy woman or singer that maketh the heart tremble and pound. I laugh over spilled milk, if it's done right. Timing is everything. I value friends and inherently have a distrust of heads of state. I come from sour beginnings but toil daily to be ready and glad for the sweetened earth.”


Kathleen Keys


Rob Hamilton