Laurel Kurtz

Portland, Oregon

April 2, 2009 - April 28, 2009

Laurel Kurtz is in her second year at Portland State University’s (PSU) Art and Social Practice program. Kurtz earned a BA from PSU in Fine Art/Sculpture. Kurtz often works collaboratively and some of her past works include working with Avalon Kalin and the local NW Dowser, Mike Doney; Sandy Sampson and Kurtz created a public speaking platform that was influenced by their involvement in Toastmasters; Kurtz and Steven Beatty have an on-going collaborative practice involving plastic bottle caps collected from the community. They have traveled to the East coast and overseas to the UK with their bottle caps. Most recently, Kurtz is working with Bill Harrelson, a neighbor, to create a back scratcher museum. Kurtz’s work focuses on the social as a vehicle to highlight people and issues of interest and relevance in a community.


Steve Beatty


Kathleen Keys